Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Arthur David Hash

As soon as I heard that Arthur Hash was coming to speak I knew I recognized his name from somewhere. It took me a couple of minutes before I realized that I looked at some of his bracelets for inspiration for a project last year I did on slime mold. I posted the pages from my sketchbook where I referenced his work.

Here are a few of his other pieces that caught my eye:

I think this is such a clever idea, and the abstract design makes a beautiful piece.

Above is a brooch from Don Friedlich's magnification series that I love.

This "bubble bracelet" by Arthur Hash reminded me of Don's brooch.

I found this on Hash's flickr site. It has no label so I have no idea what it is, but I think the form is really nice.


Petros Pappalas said...
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Jangrrrrl said...

good work, Katy. Good dot onnecting.