Monday, April 21, 2008

Material Connexion

Some quotes that stuck out at me:

"A great design becomes successful if the right material is selected."

"Since materials provide a basic way to see the world around us, we are really looking at how the world is evolving."

George M. Beylerian and Andrew Dent think that if you take away the arbitrary distinctions made between labeling people as artists, painters, architects, craftsmen, or product designers, then they would all really be material innovators.

Michael Graves and Gaetano Pesce - design for Target
Craig Kauffman - uses an irridescent finish
Charles Worthen - silicone caulking
Gregory M. Beylerian - found objects
Kardash Onnig - large-scale sculptor
Aida Goganian - discarded materials
Robert Ebendorf - jewelry from recycled materials

Samuel Mockbee - "natural" architecture (ie. bamboo)
Lot-EK (Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano) - recycled shipping containers
Kieran Timberlake Associates - brick
Festo AG & Co. - "Airtecture" with inflatable materials
Shigeru Ban - paper house

Fashion Designers:
Issey Miyake - material juxpapositions

Industrial Designers:
Reiko Sudo - textiles

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