Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good Design

I go to Starbucks at least 4 times a week to get coffee. Without fail every time I get into my car with the coffee, it spills all over me or my car because that tiny hole at the top of the coffee cup allows coffee to come shooting out every time I hit a bump!

I went to Burger King the other day in the morning to switch things up and when the lady handed me my coffee I was so excited to see that there's a little piece that you can push down to cover that little hole in the lid. This to me is an example of good design.

Now why can't Starbuck's do something as simple as this that would make their customer's lives so much easier? Surely it can't cost that much more to produce the lids with a push down top...or does it? I have no idea but I do know that Burger King's lids rock!

Starbucks' Lid

Burger King's Lid

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